What to Expect
We want your first visit to be a success! Here is some helpful information to calm any nerves you may have about coming to church.

Where Do I Park / Which Door Do I Use?

We have two parking lots that will both get you where you want to be and directory signs within the church to help guide you where you are wanting to go. There is one parking lot with a covered drive-through awning. The doors under this awning will take you to the "South Entryway" which has immediate access to Calvary's Kids, restrooms, the hallway for nursery and Pre-school, and the Sanctuary where service is held. The traditional entrance at the front of the church will take you directly into the Sanctuary and can be accessed by either parking lot. The other parking lot has an Office Entry which will take you to the church office, and is close access to many of the Adult Sunday School Classes. 

What are Sunday Services Like?

In both services we will have a time of Worship where we will sing songs, take up an offering and greet each other. This will be followed by a Sermon where the pastor will share his message and will end with a song of response where you are invited to ask for prayers, pray, or simply respond to the message through song. We have two Sunday worship experiences - 8:45am which has more traditional hymns and choruses with acoustic guitar and piano, and 11am which includes modern worship songs and remakes of classics with a full praise band.  In both of these services we have a “come as you are” model which means you will see some in suits and dresses and others in jeans and t-shirts.  We have visitor cards in the back of every pew with more helpful information and a map of our church to help you feel at ease.

What About My Kids?

For our youngest attenders, we have nursery and Pre-School aged Children's Church that occur at the same time as Sunday Morning Services. We want you to feel comfortable in knowing that you are welcome to take your small children into service as well, even if they squabble, fuss, or cry... we've all been there! For those elementary aged and above, we like to encourage them to join us in service and have activity cards in the back of the pews for anyone who might need a little help keeping busy. We also have Sunday School Groups and Wednesday Night Groups for all age levels to give our students time in age-appropriate study. 

How can I get connected?

We love meeting new people!! You can connect with us online by filling out the connect forms, or you can fill out visitor cards that are in the pews during service. If you have any questions while you are at church, look for any of our hospitality team members with lanyards and teal ID cards.

Aside from connecting during our Sunday morning services, we offer the following ministries and groups you and your family are welcome to be a part of:

  • Sunday School Groups - We have many different classes depending on age and current stage of life. 
  • Wednesday Night Bible Study - Our High School, Middle School, Children's Ministry, and Adult Ministry all have separate areas for their groups to meet.
  • High School Youth Group
  • 678 Middle School Group
  • Calvary's Kids Group
  • Men's Ministry
  • Women's Ministry
  • Retiree's Ministry
  • Disaster Relief Ministry
  • Food Distribution Ministry

If you have any interests in any of these ministries or groups, please read through the bulletin for more information or ask one of the pastors or hospitality team members.